Friday, February 13, 2009

Ooops, I did it again.

In retrospect, I probably shouldn't have pulled on that fire alarm. It SEEMED like a good idea at the time, but now I just feel kind of guilty. I remember I had done that once in middle school and gotten caught, but I never really got in much trouble. The teachers all bitched me out and I got I.S.S. for 2 days, but that was it. This time though, there was no WAY anyone was finding out. I thought it would be hilarious. I guess not. All I really did was waste a few hours of the fireman's time. But oh well. Fuck it. At least it took up my afternoon.
I am walking towards the bank. I need some cash. Actually I don't NEED cash, but I strongly desire it. Because I want a mini-scooter. But that's beside the point. The point is, as I am walking up the road I accidently smack into some random guy who is walking on the wrong side of the road.
"What the Fuck?" He says to me, "watch where you're fucking going!" He is of average height, with scraggly clothes and a roughly kept beard. He smells strongly of fish.
"Fuck you." I reply cordially, slowly raising my middle finger up in front of his face.
"Fuck." He mumbles and stumbles away down the road.
"What the fuck?" I wonder as I walk the opposite way, towards the bank.
I look around me and realize how beautiful of a day it is outside. I have never truly realized how nice it can be outside, even in this piece of shit excuse for a town. If my name was James Wright, I might even go as far as to say that because I have never really noticed the beauty around me, I have wasted my life. I would however, respectfully disagree with him.